About the Journal

Journal Tittle      : Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Yarsi Mataram

Initial                   : JISYM

Frequency          : 2 issues per year (January & July)

DOI                      : Prefix 10.57267

Print ISSN           : P-ISSN: 1978-8940

Online ISSN        : E-ISSN 2807-940X

Publisher             : STIKES Yarsi Mataram

Indexed                : Garuda| Google Scholar

Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Yarsi Mataram is a scientific journal published by STIKES Yarsi Mataram. Published online since 2021 with ISSN 2807-940X (Online). Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Yarsi Mataram contains scientific articles resulting from research and critical reviews, case reports, or case studies in the fields of health, nursing, and midwifery. The languages used in this journal are Indonesian and English. The STIKES Yarsi Mataram Scientific Journal is available free (open access) to all readers.

Please read these guidelines carefully! Every manuscript sent to the journal editorial office must follow the writing guidelines. If the manuscript does not comply with the author guidelines or any manuscript is written in a different format, the article will be REJECTED before further review. Only manuscripts that are submitted and meet the journal format will be processed further.


Call For Paper


We invite you to publish the research and development of health including public health, nursing and midwifery in Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Yarsi Mataram in the period:

Vol. 15, No. 1, Januari 2025
Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2025

Please send your full paper (. * doc) via the Register/Login form.


  1. Please submit using Template.
  2. Reference at least 15, the last 10 years publication from international articles.
  3. Recommended using Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote application in writing reference. Download Mendeley here.
  4. Plagiarism Check results in a maximum 20%. 
  5. If paper in english, the proofreading process can contact Prosemantic.
  6. Letter of Acceptance (LoA) is provided after going through the review and revision process.
  7. Authors must send a screenshot paper ID after submit to the Chief Editor's contact [+62 819-3101-0908]
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Vol. 15 No. 1 (2025): Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Yarsi Mataram
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