Journal History

Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Yarsi Mataram was first published in 2007 with an irregular publication frequency due to limited input until 2020 and then increased from 2020 until now. The journal is regulated for online management and open-access publication for Volume 11 of 2021. Since then, the journal has undergone changes following the rules of the journal accreditation body in Indonesia and has begun to use electronic journal management with the Open Journal System (OJS) with a publication frequency of 2 times a year and continues to manage and process publication articles using OJS. In 2022 the journal has been registered with Crossref and has a unique DOI number. The journal has also experienced changes to the article template since Vol. 12 no. 1. Management of this journal is distributed by the STIKES Yarsi Mataram Research and Community Service Center.