Physical, Financial, and Mental Readiness of Teenagers for Marriage Kesiapan Fisik, Finansial dan Mental Remaja untuk Menikah
Marriage is the physical and mental bond between a man and a woman
as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family
according to God Almighty. The divorce rate in NTB is still relatively high
even though it has decreased from 2021-2023. Divorce can be caused
by the physical, financial and mental unpreparedness of the couple
before marriage. From the results of simple interviews with 10 students
at Inkes Yarsi Mataram, 80% stated that they did not know about
physical, financial and mental readiness for marriage, and 20% of
students knew but little. From the results mentioned above, the
researcher is interested in conducting research on the physical, financial
and mental readiness of adolescents to get married at Inkes Yarsi
Mataram. This study used an observational survey design with a cross
sectional time approach. This research was conducted in September
2024 at Inkes Yarsi Mataram. The sample obtained was 204 people.
Data analysis using univariate and multivariate analysis. The results of
the study found that adolescents‘ desire to get married quickly caused
the highest physical readiness by 24.03 times higher than adolescents’
mothers as housewives. Female gender caused the highest financial
readiness by 0.31 times. Adolescents who have boyfriends cause
mental readiness for marriage by 0.22 times. It is necessary to educate
students about physical, financial and mental readiness for marriage
both through academic and student activities.
Copyright (c) 2024 Irni Setyawati

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