Journal History

Jurnal Lentera was first publish in 2021, by STIKES YARSI MATARAM. Jurnal Lentera was recognized by ISSN decree both online (electronic) and non-electronic on February 2 2021 with number of e-issn 2774-9274 and p-issn 2774-812x. In the same year, Jurnal Lentera also started a management journal using the Open Journal System (OJS). Since then, the Jurnal Lentera has been regularly published twice a year in February and July with Volume 1 No. 1 February 2021.

In 2023 Jurnal Lentera experienced many Changes. Especially changes to the editorial team and changes to writing templates. The Jurnal Lentera was indexed by Crossreff in 2023 and indexed with DOI unique number. In 2024 establish colaboration with Indonesian National Nurses Association called by signing MOU with Dewan Pengurus Wilayah Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia NTB.